Sunday, September 13, 2009

Week of 9/14 - 9/18

This week we will continue to learn about accuracy and precision by doing/completing the accuracy and precision lab. You then will learn about density (which is why we had to learn about mass and volume first) and then we will participate in the Metric Olympics!!!

After the day of fun-filled, learning activities, you will take a test on:
1) Scientific Measurement (measuring distance in cm and mm, measuring mass in grams with the triple-beam balance, and learning how to read graduated cylinders)
2) Volume (volume of a liquid, volume of a solid, and volume displacement)
3) Accuracy and Precision
4) Density

This will be a closed-note test, but you should be completely fine if you have been doing your work in class. Make sure you ask questions in class, post comments, or come by Tuesday during tutoring time in order to make sure that you are prepared to make that 100 on the test!!!

Happy Measuring!!!

Miss Hamilton

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