Thursday, September 3, 2009

Notes on Graphs:

There are three types of graphs:

1) Line Graph- shows relationship in which a change in the independent variable (manipulated by the experimenter) changes the dependent variable (what the experimenter is looking for a response from)
*the graph scale should be readable and make sense
*the independent variable will always be on the x axis
*units should be consistent

2) Bar Graph- communicates data through counting; think of this as when you would tally scores or votes. (Example in class was we came up with four food choices for lunch...chicken, pizza, sub, chicken, burger. When we counted them up, food choices were on the x-axis and numbers were on the y-axis)

3) Circle Graph- lists part of a whole; percentages (Example was the "day in the life" students broke their day down into different activities such as sleeping, eating, school...etc and had to assign hours to eat activity to add up to 24 hours. Then, each student was required to create a pie chart out of the data they collected.)

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