Thursday, October 29, 2009

Coming Up....

These next couple of weeks we are going to spend a lot of time looking at atomic structure and the periodic table. It is very, VERY, VERY important that you learn this informaton for future. This is actually the meat of chemistry. If we can't understand how atoms are made up, then we can't move forward.

The topics will include:
-Structure of an Atom
-Atomic Mass
-Atomic Number
-Periodic Table (periods and groups)
-Electron Cloud Structure
-Electron Dot Diagrams

We also will be doing an out-of-class project in which you will be assigned an element and have to do a report on that element and present it to the class. This project will be due before Thanksgiving.

As you can see, we have a lot to do... so let's get focused and start getting "PHYSICAL"...(haha get it???)

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