Sunday, August 30, 2009

Comments on your lab safety unit...

I just wanted to make a quick comment to say how proud I am of you for doing so well on your first test! Keep up the good work and I hope to see high quality work from you the rest of the year.

Let me know if you ever have any concerns.

Miss Hamilton

Notebook Check

All Classes:

I will be conducting a notebook check on Wednesday (5-6 A Day) and Thursday (1st, 2nd 3rd Periods, and 7-8 B Day).

You will be graded on the following points:
1) You have a 3-ring binder
2) You have your 4 labeled dividers (Policies, E.Q.s, Notes, Graded Work)
3) Work that has been completed so far is present in the correct sections

This will be a quiz grade so you need to be serious about getting your notebook ready. The first step for success is being organized and having this notebook will be a step in the right direction as we begin this school year.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Homeword due Friday (8-28-09)

Homework due Friday (1st, 2nd, 3rd Periods):

In section 1, Chapter 1 in your book, define the vocabulary terms (pg 6). You may write these, like normal, on paper or you may use a foldable like I showed you in class. I would prefer you not to type your vocabulary, but if you have to (like if you have horrible hand writing) you need to get a parent/guardian to sign it so that I know you did your own work.

See you tomorrow!

Miss Hamilton

2nd Period and 7-8 B Day


2nd Period and 7-8 B Day have their Lab Safety and Equipment Test tomorrow, Friday.

Make sure you study all of the lab safety symbols, lab safety rules, and the equipment that we went over in class.

Happy Studying!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Study, Study, Study!!!

Students--- Make sure you study for your Lab Safety and Equipment Test scheduled for either Thursday/Friday. Make sure you study your Lab Safety Guidelines (all of those bullets) and also make sure you study those lab safety signs such as the disposal sign, biohazard sign, safety goggles sign, etc.
Also, study the lab equipment that we went over together in class and make sure you know the purposes and uses of each piece of equipment. Remember... most of these are common sense.

Happy Studying!!!

Next we will be studying the Scientific Method and Graphing.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Lab Safety and Lab Equipment Test

Test Dates:

1st, 2nd 3rd Periods: Thursday/ Friday (we have an assembly on Thursday during some of the classes. If this is the case, then your test will be on Friday, not Thursday)

5-6 A Day: Thursday

7-8 B Day: Friday

Notebook Setup

1) Policies (contains: syllabus, expectations, appropriate practices, hw survey, standards letter, and any other classroom procedure forms)

2) E.Q.'s (you should have two e.q.'s already in this section: #1 What is lab safety and why is it important?... you should have answered this one already #2 What are the tools of a scientist?)

3) Notes ( should have Student Lab Safety Guidelines, Tools of a Scientist, and Lab Equipment worksheet in this section already)

4) Graded Work (you do not have anything for this section yet)

Being organized is the first step to success inside and outside of the classroom!!!

Monday, August 24, 2009


Make sure to bring your 3-ring binder, 4 dividers, and paper to class so you can be prepared as we get into the material in our class.

Monday Morning/ 7-8 B Day/ 5-6 A Day Assignment

Create your own lab safety sign:

Choose one of the lab safety rules discussed in class from the "Student Laboratory and Safety Guidelines" handout.

Requirements for safety sign:
1. Your picture must represent only the rule chosen.
2. No words may be used.
3. At least 5 different colors must be used. (black and white do not count as any of the 5)
4. The image (or images combined) must be neat and should take up the majority of the paper.
5. Your name and period must be written on the back of the sign.

Grading Scale:
100= all 5 of the above requirements listed above are met
90= only 4 of the above requirements listed above are met
80= only 3 of the above requirements listed above are met
70= only 1 or 2 of the above requirements listed above are met

Due Dates:
1st, 2nd, 3rd Periods: Tuesday when you arrive in class

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Parents and Students

If you need to contact me:

phone: 321-2621 ext. 304

Friday, August 21, 2009


Don't forget to bring your notebook, dividers, and paper into class with you on Monday (morning classes) so we can put together notebooks. 5-6 A Day, bring yours on Tuesday and 7-8 B day, bring yours on Wednesday.

-Monday is picture day so dress well
-9th grade assembly on Monday during HR

Have a great weekend!!!

Miss Hamilton

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Morning Classes:
- remember to bring your signed HW Survey Form to class with you
-tomorrow we will begin talking about Lab Safety and Lab Equipment (PS 1.2)
E.Q. #1 What is lab safety and why is it important?

Afternoon Classes:
-Remember to bring your signed Standards Letter and signed Syllabus
-Also, remember to bring your HW Survey signed
- Bring in your signed Expectations and Appropriate Practices sheets if you didn't turn them in already
-next class we will be discussing Lab Safety Guidelines and Lab Equipment (PS 1.2)
E.Q.#1 What is lab safety and why is it important?

See you in class!!!

Miss Hamilton

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Welcome to Physical Science!!!

Hope everybody had a wonderful summer and is ready for the school year to begin! During the course of this class you will expand your knowledge of science and how it relates to the physical world around you. Look here for postings of homework assignments, due dates, or announcements.