Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Video on Natural vs Synthetic Polymers

Video Questions:

1) What is a polymer? Give an example.

2) Give an example of a synthetic polymer. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using them?

3) What is spider silk?

4) Why do scientists want to reproduce the properties of spider silk? How could it be used?

5) Give 3 examples of how plastics are used.

6) What is PET? What type of items does recycled PET produce?

Changing the Game

Now that our fun project is almost over, it is now time to switch gears into Physics!!! We are going to be covering some fun stuff with lots of hands-on activities. The standards that we will be covering will be:

PS - 1: Scientific Inquiry and Design (do throughout the year)

PS - 5: Nature of Forces and Motion

PS -6: Nature, Conservation, ad Transformation of Energy

PS - 7: Nature and Properties of Mechanical and Electromagnetic Waves

We will be starting on Chapter 2 on Motion by taking a look at displacement and distance.

Keep an eye on the blog for homework, notes, answers, and due dates!!! As always, you can always post a comment or question!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Coloring/Activity Book Project

Due Date: February 2, 2010 (morning classes)
Due Date: February 4, 2010 (7-8 B day class)
Due Date: February 5, 2010 (5-6 A day classes)

Chemistry Activity Book Project:

For this MAJOR GRADE you are to create a coloring/ activity book using the following topics that a student in the 4th or 5th grade would be able to understand. A 4th grade class will be grading this assignment. This activity/coloring book needs to be exciting and interesting while communicating all of the information that is necessary to get the “basic point” of the subject. The following topics are:

1) Solutions (solvents, solutes)
2) Acids and Bases
3) Organic and Inorganic Compounds
4) Natural Polymers and Synthetic Polymers

Grading Rubric:
* Colorful cover to your coloring/activity book (20 points)

* Table of Contents with creative names for your activities (10 points)

* Content (all information correct and understandable) (40 points)
- At least one page per activity/subject
- Information is easy to understand for a 4th or 5th grader

* Creativity – you put genuine effort into this project and it is clean and neat and would be attractive to a child. (30 points)

Friday, December 11, 2009

MidTerm Review

All students have received their reviews for the midterm and should be completing them and studying them for the exams.

answers will follow

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Midterm Exam Schedule

Freshmen Academy Schedule
Tuesday Dec. 15, 2009
1st period exam - 7:55 – 9:40
2nd period - 9:45 – 10:35
3rd period - 10:40 – 11:28

Wednesday Dec. 16, 2009
2nd period exam - 7:55 – 9:40
1st period - 9:45 – 10:35
3rd period - 10:40 – 11:28

Thursday Dec. 17, 2009
3rd period exam - 7:55 – 9:40
1st period - 9:45 – 10:35
2nd period - 10:40 – 11:28

Block Exam Schedule
Tuesday, December 15 – 1st Block and 3rd Block A-Day
Wednesday, December 16 – 1st Block and 3rd Block B-Day
Thursday, December 17 – 2nd Block and 4th Block A-Day
Friday, December 18 – 2nd Block and 4th Block B-Day

Classroom Update:

By now you should easily be able to tell me:
-the number of valence electrons for certain elements
-the names of all of the groups on the periodic table (Alkali Metals, Alkaline Earth Metals, Transition Metals, Inner Transition Metals, Boron Group, Carbon Group, Nitrogen Group, Oxygen Group, Halogens, and Noble Gases)
-Identify if an ion is a cation or an anion and to predict its charge when it becomes these ions; otherwise known as the oxidation number
-Basic naming of compounds.

All of this information is in Chapter 20 in the Physical Science Text

E.Q.'s updated:

# 18: What is the relationship between valence e- and groups?

#19: What are the trends of the Periodic Table based on the number of valence e- and atomic numbers?

#20: Why do metals conduct electricity?

#21: Why do atoms bond?